In-Person Event

Meet the Cordoba Startup Ecosystem (In-Person Networking Event)

ABC de la Internacionalizaci贸n de Startups

abr 24, 2024
05:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Santex, Humberto Primo 630, C贸rdoba, C贸rdoba, Argentina
Event Banner Image
Unite a nosotros en un viaje hacia la internacionalizaci贸n de tu startup. Conoc茅 los secretos del 茅xito directamente de aquellos emprendedorxs que han conquistado mercados globales. 馃寪 Explor谩 programas de soft landing con los cu谩les tenemos vinculaci贸n y que te van ayudar a expandir tus horizontes. Encontr谩 consejos que te guiar谩n a determinar el momento adecuado y c贸mo conocer el mercado ideal para tu pr贸xima aventura internacional.

What You'll Learn:

  • Local Organizations to help launch and grow your startup
  • Little-known resources that benefit your industry
  • How to find Mentors
  • Additional funding sources for early-stage founders

About the Ecosystem Organizations: 

  • {ORGANIZATION'S NAME} (include link to the website): {SMALL BLURB about how that company supports startups}.
  • {REPEAT this step for ALL of the featured organization on the event}
  • {EXAMPLE: Founder Institute Eastern Europe: Local startup accelerator program at Founder Institute, the  #1 place in the world to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses.}

Additional Resources:
Find more Startup Events, learn about Finding a Co-Founder, or visit our Insights Blog for more startup tips.

About Founder Institute
The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our structured accelerator programs have helped over 7,000 entrepreneurs raise over $1.75BN in funding. Based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 100 countries, our mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.



Valentina Rossetti

Coordinadora de Programas e Innovaci贸n @ Agencia C贸rdoba Innovar y Emprender


Carlina Comba

Directora Ejecutiva @ Addventure Club


Fernando Boiero

CTO @ Xcapit

Local Partners


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El Founder Institute es el programa de entrenamiento de emprendedores y de lanzamiento de empresas significativas más grande del mundo, que ayuda a los aspirantes a fundadores en todo el mundo a construir compañías de tecnología duraderas. Basado en Silicon Valley y con sedes en 100 países, el Founder Institute ha ayudado a lanzar más de 7,000 compañías. La misión es "Globalizar a Silicon Valley" y construir ecosistemas sostenibles de empresas significativas que crearán un millón de nuevos puestos de trabajo a nivel mundial.

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