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If you are a professional, chances are you would like to advance your career. In doing so, it is known that procrastination can be a huge inhibitor in your progress. As we all work to keep the urge to defer the completion of tasks in check, the question arises “What if I am procrastinating and don’t know it?” Here are 4 ways that you could be procrastinating without knowing it.

1. Being Quiet

Whether a problem has arisen in the workplace, or you feel that you career path should change, letting a problem last without confronting it can hurt your progress. Do you need to talk to your co-worker or manager about something, but have yet to find the time? Perhaps you need to ask a mentor an important question about your career path, but being “busy” has stopped you.

Whatever the reason, these conversations should be had as soon as possible, considering you’ve left yourself time to make sense of the situation. Many times, an important decision needs to be made based off of important conversations with important individuals, and they can’t be made if you are waiting to have the conversation.

2. Having Ideas without acting on them

Perhaps you have ideas on how to do your job better or ideas on how to improve your team. Maybe you’ve had an entrepreneurial idea that you’ve been sitting on for a while. Either way, if you schedule these things to act on for “some time in the future” chances are you are holding your career back.

Don’t rob yourself of time sensitive opportunities. If you have an idea, be sure to act on it whilst controlling your risk. If you are able to do this effectively, you will be able to increase your chances of success.

3. Saving Money as an Excuse

We all have financial obligations in life, and by no means should we abandon them. That being said, many times entrepreneurs and employees alike will use the excuse of saving money to get in the way of their professional progress. For instance, is there a job or project that you could pursue which would advance your career? Or maybe you feel that there is another career path that you would be happier with.

The safer decision isn’t always the right decision. If you can take up an occupation that will make you happier, money isn’t always a good excuse to put off the decision.

4. Staying Comfortable

It is always hard to make a new decision. With all of the things that could happen, many times the nature of the human mind will try to talk us out of doing something new. It is generally a reflex to try to stay in a place of familiarity. Contrarily, often the people with the most willpower are the most successful ones. They have the strength to fight past their comfort zone, step out and take a chance on their ideas and in their work. They are also the people that can generally say that they are living their lives to the fullest and have created the most opportunities for themselves.

The fight against procrastination isn't always an easy one. Make no mistake by thinking procrastination only applies to small tasks like getting your car's oil changed. It applies to broad and important decisions in your life as well. Keep these 4 points in mind as you make decisions and you will begin to see a positive change in your career.

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